A couple of weeks ago, we had dinner with Erik and Whitney at their place. We had a great time and Whitney made an amazing chicken pot pie and fruit salad. We're so grateful for the friendship we have with them.
We also went to Mainstreet Park City for the first time with Mechaella, Steve, her brother and sister-in-law. We've been to Park City before to snowboard and to go to the outlets, but hadn't been to Mainstreet. We had pizza, tried
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for the first time (so good...why did we wait this long?) and went to the outlets.
Devin turned 29 and we went to his birthday party. Devin danced, rapped with Randy, did some skits, opened presents and blew out trick candles on his birthday cake. He was one happy guy.
On the day that Chavez died, we went to a new Venezuelan restaurant right by our house with Matt and Nina. We had arepas and empanadas the pabellon. So good! I know it seems horrible to celebrate the death of a person, but this guy was on his way to doing to Venezuela what Castro has done to Cuba. Anyway, we hope that Venezuela can recuperate from the damage that this guy has done.
After much tracking, we finally had dinner (we're all about breakfast for dinner) at the
Waffle Love food truck. They change their location everyday, but tracking them down was so worth it. They had the best waffles and cream ever. Their hot chocolate was also out of this world. Blaine got their caramel apple cider and, for a person who hates warm apple cider, I think it was delicious.
We had the privilege of having dinner at one of Blaine's professor's homes. His name is Kim Smith and he's Blaine's Investments Academy teacher. Every year, he has a devotional-type of dinner at his home. The food was yummy and he and his wife talked to us about their experiences in the finance world and establishing a work-life balance. Kim Smith is highly respected on Wallstreet and is probably the reason why the business program at BYU is so prestigious. They talked a lot about the sacrifices one makes at the beginning of their life and how everything that is good requires hard work. It provided me with a lot of peace about our future.
Daylight savings killed us. We were off for days. But we are enjoying the extra hour of sunlight in the evenings.
We've been able to hang out with the Slaughs a couple time in this past month. We had them over for dinner one Sunday and watched
Wreck-It-Ralph together (possibly my new favorite Disney movie). We also hung out with them this past weekend. We went to
Station 22 for dinner and watched
Perks of Being a Wallflower, mainly due to Ryan's liking of Indie films :) Joking. It was a well-made movie and we had a good time watching it with them. Station 22 was as yummy as always, but my soup was way too salty. So I gave it back, which I never do, and I had a cute dessert for free in addition to not being charged for the soup. And the waitress didn't charge Blaine and Ryan for their fancy rootbeers. It was a great night.
Dessert at Station 22 - The jar in the middle was for dunking :) |
Luna Sophia Stevenson was born on 3/13/2013 - one day before her due date. I picked up Nina's mom from the airport on Wednesday and as soon as we got into Provo, Matt called saying that Nina was going into labor. The timing of it all was perfect. And so is Luna! She is so cute and has Nina's awesome hair and Asian eyes. She weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and measured 17 inches. She's a healthy baby and Matt and Nina are completely in love. I'm still in denial that they're parents!
On Pi Day, we celebrated by...making a pie. Making pies is one of those things that I'm not really great at and therefore, don't do it a lot. But on Pi Day, I always attempt to make one. Last year's was a disaster, but this year I succeeded! I made a
German Chocolate Pie that was so good. It had a layer of coconut, caramel and pecans under the chocolate layer. I might be making this again before Pi Day comes around next year :)
Remember when I signed up for the
Lazyman Ironman last semester? Well, I didn't complete it in time and was so bummed about it. Thankfully, BYU decided to have another one this semester. So I signed up and Kailyn did too. We have been encouraging each other and exercising together when we can. One thing that I've discovered while doing this is that I am an absolutely horrible swimmer. It is so hard for me. I feel like I don't control my movements or my air flow really well, and I just get anxious. But it has definitely worked me out and I think that with practice, I'll get better. 2 weeks left and I'll have 2.4 swimming miles, 26.2 running miles, and 112 biking miles completed in 1 month! How people can do all of that in one day is beyond me.
Of course, we've been working, studying (1 more midterm this week and all we have left is finals!), trying to figure out whether we're selling or moving our stuff, collecting boxes, packing, and all that fun stuff. There are only 6 weeks of school left. 6 more weeks of college and then we are DONE.