Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pi Day

I've never made a pie before. I learned how to make my favorite pie ever (coconut cream) this past Thanksgiving with Aunt Jan. I'm petrified of making certain things, one of them being pie. They're pretty foreign to me. In Spanish, there isn't a word for pie. It's just "pie." There aren't any Hispanic pies or anything like them. So I didn't grow up eating much pie, other than McD's dollar apple pie. 

So I gathered the courage to make a pie on Pi Day. So corny, but love that kinda stuff. Blaine loves pies and he's always asking me to make one. He had a rough week this week, with a midterm every other day. So I figured it'd make him happy to come home to a pie. 

I found the easiest recipe possible for chocolate mousse pie and whipped it up in the break I had between class and zumba. It turned out OK. I didn't whip the heavy cream really well and the texture of the pie wasn't mousse-like as it was supposed to be :(  But the flavor was delicious anyway :) I liked this recipe because you use Hershey's chocolate with almonds. While you're eating the pie, you have almond pieces in it. So yummy! I love nuts. So the pie was supposed to be all fluffy...

Not fluffy at all! 
I'll be trying this recipe again for sure. And maybe I'll try making another pie for Easter. If I don't retry something that I failed at quickly, I tend to not try it again for a while. I'm such a brat. I hate failure. Here's to trying new things and yummy pies! 

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